Tuesday 10 May 2011

Why Build on Water?

In cities like Wellington, New Zealand, they are blocked by the coast in front of the city and behind the city are steep hills which make it difficult to expand and let the city grow. For cities looking to expand this greatly restricts the opportunities to do so. Cape town in South Africa has a similar situation.

With rising sea levels the front of the city is threatened, so doesn't it make sense to slowly move the front of the city onto the water making use of the largest open space for building in the world, the ocean.

Also a bonus for building on water in the coastal city is that normally these city centres are located around the waterfront, so by building on water there the city can achieve greater density in the CBD or waterfront area without overcrowding, mint!

70% of the world is covered in water, kinda makes sense to use some of it for building on.

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