Monday 6 June 2011

Container Design

After wading through a whole lot of information on containers I found current housing designs that use containers, as mentioned in the previous post. But after that what I found was the use of containers as a cheap way to provide housing to areas affected by natural disasters, such as New Orleans and the Pakistan floods and many other places. Having the flexibility to bring a standardized structure into these places to provide relief housing with minimal cost and effort is an aspect of designing on the water I want to include.

A guy called Richard Moreta has a particular design I find interesting for Pakistan. Much like my case study of BACA architect's design for flood resistant homes in Holland, Moretas design's for housing that floats in floods relate very much to my design proposal. However these are individual units on land and are not integrated into a community that connects within itself, but it is a good starting idea for my design.

Here is a link to information about his design

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