Monday 6 June 2011

Flexible Architecture

Flexible needs to be standardized. It needs to be modular. It needs to be transportable. It needs to be easily put together and taken apart.

For this the shipping container (proper name is an intermodal container) provides a good start in designing a space that can be lived in. Many housing types have been created through shipping containers. I find it interesting that the very name, shipping container, relates to water, it is something that crosses large amounts of water yet no one has used them on water.

90% of all goods in the world are transported using shipping containers. Shipping containers are designed to be water tight because if they fall off the ship they will float. Floating. Floating structure. Floating buildings, already a good start for designing a floating community.

I have been checking out container designs, LOT-EK have a focus on the shipping container as a building tool. This Puma store slash function centre is an example of their work. This is quite large, I am looking at a smaller scale, but what I find interesting is how they have keep the container but altered it into different combinations, check out their website to see it in a lot more detail. I love how individual units connect to form a whole, like my original concept model I made. These designs are almost like Archigram's idea of a plug in city.

Here is a link to their site.

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